Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What is Hardcourt Bike Polo?

For those of you out there that are finding the blog through friends, family, facebook, emails, etc and don't have a clue about hardcourt bike polo here is a very short lesson and video!

Basic rules:
There are 3 players to a team. Teams start at opposite ends of the court behind the goal line/touching the wall with their back wheels. The "joust" starts the game with the ball in the center of the court. Game is called out, two players rush for possession to start it all off. Goals are scored into nets if available or through cones/whatever you can use to make goal posts. Possession changes after each goal scored. Touching the ground with any part of the body is a "dab out" and takes the player out of play until the touch a designated spot, usually center court on the wall, with their mallet. Games go until 5 goals wins, or until time is called. These are the basics.

Check this video out for an example of some bike polo being played here in Philadelphia this winter!
A huge thank you to Zach Cooper, Fun Zach Films, for shooting this on a really cold night and putting this little diddy together.
Participants to ESPI VI! Please note this is the built-in hockey court we will be using in the tournament, consider this a preview to the surface and size. Also note there will be a separate post regarding the official rules for ESPI VI.

Philly Bike Polo Club Winter 2011 from Fun Zach Films on Vimeo.

Here is another one with more active playing and is a bit less 'introduction to polo' then the first! Enjoy!

Bike Polo from Fun Zach Films on Vimeo.

Check back for the poster later today!

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