Friday, May 27, 2011


In what seems to be a sport unlike any other in the "underground" or "renegade" or "evolving" sport categories, hardcourt bike polo is now at a point where corporate identities, such as FUZE®, are taking a more serious look at how to get involved before it's too late.

Like skateboarding in it's infancy, hardcourt bike polo gets it's fair share of raised eye brows and questionable looks. Lately though, the media, company adaptation/creation, and level of play have propelled the sport to the brink of the general populous' attention. So, the next step in this evolution is support and funding.

ESPI VI is proud to announce the help of FUZE® as our title sponsor!!!! The caliber of our event just increased because of their involvement! We will be able to provide all participants and spectators with refreshing drinks all day long, both days!!!! This is essential when considering the heat of summer and the active play everyone will be engaged in.

You can check out everything FUZE® here:
Follow twitter here: @FUZEBeverage

A special thanks to Jim at FUZE® for helping out with this and making it come true for Philly Bike Polo!!!