Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Philly Bike Polo Welcomes the 6th Annual East Side Polo Invitational!

This blog is here to provide a concise and easy way of finding all necessary information regarding the ESPI's for participants, organizers, sponsors, bicycle advocates, and anyone else curious about the event here in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia is proud to be the host for ESPI 6!
The East Side Polo Invitational was previously hosted in Philadelphia back in 2006. We welcome the chance to show the Hardcourt Bike Polo community how Philadelphia has changed and how we as club have grown and improved.

Hosting the ESPI's this year also means hosting the regional qualifying tournament for the North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Tour in the East Coast region. 48 teams in total will compete over 2 days in a 3-court environment to determine who from our region will advance to the North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships, or NAHBPC, in Calgary, AB in August 2011. Of these 48 teams, 36 teams must have 2 or more players from within our region, the remaining 12 teams are composed of 2 or more players from outside our region. There will be a full roster at this event, meaning we will host 144 players total for this event.

What is our region? Currently the East Side Region consists of all clubs in New York City and Albany, Virginia, New Jersey, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. The competition is fierce in our region, being that we have multiple teams with multiple Championships under their belts. This will be a tournament to be a part of, and the teams to beat exceptionally hard to do so.

Stay tuned for court information, photos, and layouts in the next day or two.

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