Friday, March 18, 2011


A tournament wouldn't be a proper tournament if we didn't have prizes to hand out to the winners, the losers, and some of you in between! Currently, potential sponsors are being contacted and confirmed. Once confirmed they will be listed here with websites/other info if applicable.

To all of the sponsors, Philadelphia Bike Polo, as well as all participants, are grateful for your generosity in helping make this the best tournament we can possibly throw! Great prizes means superb attendance by the best teams out there. Thank you for helping us draw the top players from around the continent in their desire to win what you've given us!

Also, if you know of a company that is up and coming, or would fit the bill for this tournament, please have them contact me via email at for the sponsor proposal. No company is too small to get their name and brand out there! If you are a local company or have local distribution and would like information on our Vendor Application please contact me directly. We will have a limited number of tables/spaces available at the tournament for very affordable prices to promote companies, artists, and artisans  getting their products out there.

This list is growing....
Neva Safe



We welcome any and all support for this tournament! Keep it coming!

Tournament Rules

ESPI 6 will be honoring the usage of the official rules set by the North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Organization. A full set of the rules can be found here:

As a participant or volunteer it is your responsibility to know and understand the rules as they are currently structured. Please diligently read through the rules. If you have any questions or concerns you will be given opportunity to voice them at the start of the tournament, Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 9am.

Safety equipment is mandatory at this event. Helmets are required. All other personal safety gear is up to each individual participant, as long as it is in compliance with general safety protocol for everyone playing. It is required that your bike and mallet is safe as well. Bar-ends must be capped in some fashion, and mallet ends must also be capped/closed off. The mallet heads must also be in 'safe' condition for use. Each team will be inspected before being allowed to play. Make sure you're aware of the condition of your equipment before the tournament begins! This is already a slightly more dangerous sport than others, let's all do our part to keep it as safe as it can be!

Thank you!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Presenting the artwork for ESPI 6!
A huge thank you to Alexis Mabry for doing the drawing for the poster! She is such a talent! Go check out her website if you have some time and see what I'm talking about...
A second thank you goes out to Adam Smith for helping me get it from a drawing into a graphic format. Couldn't have done it without him! Also an amazing local artist, check his stuff out here...

Without further adieu...

Note* this poster does not have any sponsors listed as they are unconfirmed as of right now, they will be added as they are confirmed.

What is Hardcourt Bike Polo?

For those of you out there that are finding the blog through friends, family, facebook, emails, etc and don't have a clue about hardcourt bike polo here is a very short lesson and video!

Basic rules:
There are 3 players to a team. Teams start at opposite ends of the court behind the goal line/touching the wall with their back wheels. The "joust" starts the game with the ball in the center of the court. Game is called out, two players rush for possession to start it all off. Goals are scored into nets if available or through cones/whatever you can use to make goal posts. Possession changes after each goal scored. Touching the ground with any part of the body is a "dab out" and takes the player out of play until the touch a designated spot, usually center court on the wall, with their mallet. Games go until 5 goals wins, or until time is called. These are the basics.

Check this video out for an example of some bike polo being played here in Philadelphia this winter!
A huge thank you to Zach Cooper, Fun Zach Films, for shooting this on a really cold night and putting this little diddy together.
Participants to ESPI VI! Please note this is the built-in hockey court we will be using in the tournament, consider this a preview to the surface and size. Also note there will be a separate post regarding the official rules for ESPI VI.

Philly Bike Polo Club Winter 2011 from Fun Zach Films on Vimeo.

Here is another one with more active playing and is a bit less 'introduction to polo' then the first! Enjoy!

Bike Polo from Fun Zach Films on Vimeo.

Check back for the poster later today!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Court Diagram

Thanks to Rob Biddle in our club for this super professional diagram of how the courts will look from a birds-eye view.
Keep in mind that courts 2 and 3 are being built up Friday, June 10, 2011 sometime after 7pm. We will be looking for volunteers to help with this. The incentive is that pick-up can be played on Court 1 and when you're not playing you can be helping us screw the boards in place. =]

Rizzo Rink Official Location for ESPI

Rizzo Rink is our club's local spot to play every Wednesday evening from 7pm-10pm. A great facility for us, with a built in floor hockey rink outdoor but covered, amenities inside the rink facility and in the surrounding community, and central access in the city.

I am very excited to announce that they have agreed wholeheartedly to be the host location for ESPI 6 in conjunction with the Philly Bike Polo Club on June 11 and 12, 2011. The outdoor rink will be used as our court 1, with two additional courts built in the concrete playing areas to the south of that rink in the same facility grounds. This will give us three great courts, side-by-side, covered from the summer sun, with ample room to keep the participant belongings as well as organization station and product promotion booths in a conjoining area. The indoor rink is for ice-hockey and will not be used in our event, however we will have all access to the restrooms and warm-up areas inside the building for the entire tournament.
Here are some photos of the location:
Rizzo Rink from Front Street
This is a view of the Organization and Holding area to the left, and Court 1 to the right, from Front Street again

This is Court 2 and Court 3 from Front Street

Here is Court 1 from the corner [my apologies for this photo it's difficult to shoot the whole rink with my camera]. Court 1 is exactly 136' long and 60' wide, hockey-walled, with 5 entry points along the boards.

Court 2, we will be removing the pole that you can see to the right, this court will be built up to be 120' long and 52' wide.

Court 3 will also be 120' long and 52' wide, we will be using most of the concrete wall to the left as part of the court and constructing the boards on three sides of this surface. You can see a friend on my polo bike closer to Front Street, gives you an idea of the size of the courts in relativity to people.

We are really excited about this location as it provides us with an ideal space for the courts to be used and made!

A huge thank you goes out to Tony from Rizzo Rink for helping make this happen with our club. We are confident that all participants will feel these courts can provide a high caliber environment to play high grade bike polo, something that is the most important factor in any tournament.
Bring your A-games people, you will have Grade A courts to play on!

Court layout to come. Thanks!

Philly Bike Polo Welcomes the 6th Annual East Side Polo Invitational!

This blog is here to provide a concise and easy way of finding all necessary information regarding the ESPI's for participants, organizers, sponsors, bicycle advocates, and anyone else curious about the event here in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia is proud to be the host for ESPI 6!
The East Side Polo Invitational was previously hosted in Philadelphia back in 2006. We welcome the chance to show the Hardcourt Bike Polo community how Philadelphia has changed and how we as club have grown and improved.

Hosting the ESPI's this year also means hosting the regional qualifying tournament for the North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Tour in the East Coast region. 48 teams in total will compete over 2 days in a 3-court environment to determine who from our region will advance to the North American Hardcourt Bike Polo Championships, or NAHBPC, in Calgary, AB in August 2011. Of these 48 teams, 36 teams must have 2 or more players from within our region, the remaining 12 teams are composed of 2 or more players from outside our region. There will be a full roster at this event, meaning we will host 144 players total for this event.

What is our region? Currently the East Side Region consists of all clubs in New York City and Albany, Virginia, New Jersey, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. The competition is fierce in our region, being that we have multiple teams with multiple Championships under their belts. This will be a tournament to be a part of, and the teams to beat exceptionally hard to do so.

Stay tuned for court information, photos, and layouts in the next day or two.