Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vendor/Organizers area

So far we have a demo planned in this space, a couple of clothing designers, reload bags, reanimator coffee, and [hopefully] a mechanics tent. We are also hoping to have A-Frame stands so we can keep the bikes hanging to prevent the chaos that crowds the ground at many a tournament.
Mornings will have coffee and some kind of breakfast stuff...for everyone to enjoy. Looking into hot food but we'll see. Lunch is on you, but we have arranged for a local food truck to stop by and hang out for both days. They pretty much have everything, and are affordable. See a forthcoming map with other nearby options...
Demon Cats Photography, www.demoncats.com, will be on site to take TEAM PHOTOS! after which they will be posted on their site to share...

More to come for this area.

If you know someone/something that would be interested in showing, selling, or renting for any other reasonable purpose a space at our event, please let me know or have them email me directly at chandel.espi6@gmail.com


hey so we have this really awesome friend of friend to polo making us nets for ESPI!
here is a preview photo of one net, without the netting ironically.

I believe the sizes are the length of a bike and the height of the average top tube...angled corners...piping so as not to be a severe danger to the body should you plow into one while playing!

the date is getting closer! can't wait people!

Monday, April 11, 2011



Teams may not submit registration prior to this date and time. If they do they will not be considered as registered.
Registration for ESPI 6 can be found following this link:

Teams must COMPLETE the registration form in full to be considered entered. The team members may change between now and the tournament, so yes a placeholder name can be used, but this cannot change your in or out of region status as a team. Teams will have one week to make payment and be considered entered in the tournament. Should a team fail to pay on time they will be removed from registration and the next team on the waiting list will be notified. Waiting lists will be in and out of region based.
The fee for this tournament is $60 PER TEAM.

All registered teams can be found by following this link:
The top 36 teams in region and the top 12 teams out of region will be notified immediately.

Should the spots not fill up with regional teams, ANYONE can enter the tournament as a full team after APRIL 26th. 

Good luck registering everyone!!!!